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network computing system (NCS)

The optimal utilization of resources is one of the basic problems in distributed systems. One resource can be underutilized, while another can only fulfill the task with restrictions. The Network File System( NFS) ensures corresponding optimization for distributed disk capacities.

For other resources, such as those of central processing units, RAMs or special hardware, HP and Apollo have developed a system for distributed applications, the Network Computing System( NCS). The NCS system distributes the application to multiple computers, providing higher performance. This distributed application system consists of Remote Procedure Call( RPC), an information broker, and Network Interface Definition Language (NIDL) components.

Conceptually, the available resources within the network are provided as services. The services are requested using Remote Procedure Call through interfaces defined in NIDL. Finally, the information about each network service is managed by a broker. If the broker works on a local basis, it is called a Local Location Broker (LLB). This manages a database in which the services provided by the local system are entered. In the case of global administration, this is referred to as a Global Location Broker (GLB).

Englisch: network computing system - NCS
Updated at: 09.01.2012
#Words: 184
Links: distributed systems, task, network file system (NFS), hardware (HW), horizontal pitch (Board) (HP)
Translations: DE

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