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multi user dungeon (Internet) (MUD)

Multi-user dungeons (MUDs) are server-based, multi-user environments for role-playing games on the Internet. They are also used in conference systems and in learning programs and support game-based learning, comparable to edutainment.

There are experimental WWW servers that support MUD and provide a MUD/ MOO (MUD Object Oriented) interface. These text- or graphics-oriented role-playing games run on special MUD servers, where several people can participate in the game at the same time. The participants of the role-playing game act in a virtual fantasy world and have to deal with the language and the environment. The game characters act interactively on objects or the actions of other virtual players and are controlled either by the computer or by the participants. The environment in which the role participants find themselves can be text-based, graphic and also three-dimensional.

Englisch: multi user dungeon (Internet) - MUD
Updated at: 12.02.2011
#Words: 134
Links: user, server, Internet, edutainment, MUD object oriented (MOO)
Translations: DE

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