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search directory

A Search Directory is comparable to a search engine; in both, databases about websites are compiled. Unlike a search engine, which uses robots and crawlers to search for entries, the Search Directory classifies entries and links through human input and interaction.

Entries are typically based on a few text entries such as the website title, domain name, and description to determine keywords. The entries are thesaurized and sorted alphabetically by topic. Thus, the results start with the website description and some numbers followed by the alphabetical structure.

Website of a search directory, screenshot:

Website of a search directory, screenshot:

The difference between search engines and search directories is evident in the lists of results: while search engines throw out thousands of entries in the results pages, many of which are irrelevant and thus belong to the false drops, search directories produce fewer, more accurate and better organized results.

The best known Search Directories are Yahoo and Open Directory.

Englisch: search directory
Updated at: 27.03.2013
#Words: 153
Links: search engine (SE), interaction, text (TXT), domain, name
Translations: DE

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