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record management (RM)

Record Management(RM) means record management from the creation of the record to its disposal. It is primarily concerned with the archiving of documents that must be retained.

Record management includes classification, storage, archiving and destruction of the record. A record can be a tangible object or a digital information, such as the name, address or telephone number, it can be office documents, medical records or application data.

Record management is essentially about organizational activities. It involves archiving and records management systems for long-term archiving. The RM approach ensures the integration of lifecycle considerations of records into the strategic aspects of archiving. Record Management stands for the management of metadata of records subject to retention. This includes the management of retention periods and deletion dates and all organizational aspects of records management.

ISO 15489 defines record management as the area of management in which efficient and systematic control is administered for the creation, receipt, maintenance, and use of records.

Englisch: record management - RM
Updated at: 24.04.2013
#Words: 156
Links: resource management cell (RM), archiving, classification, object (O), digital
Translations: DE

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