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power resistor

Power resistors are resistors that can dissipate higher power. They can be designed as wire-wound resistors or thick-film resistors.

There are no specific power values above which a resistor can be classified as a power resistor. The classification is purely subjective and depends on the application. Inelectronics, resistors with 0.5 W are already classified as power resistors, whereas values of 50 W are specified in power engineering.

Thick film power resistor for 100 W, photo: Eldis

Thick film power resistor for 100 W, photo: Eldis

To dissipate the absorbed power, power resistors are equipped with heat sinks or heat dissipation plates, or are housed in aluminum enclosures and mounted directly on a heat-conducting surface for better heat dissipation.

Power resistors are used as heating resistors, discharge resistors or as protective resistors for current and voltage limitations.

Englisch: power resistor
Updated at: 19.02.2014
#Words: 124
Links: power (P), wire, classification, application (app), heat dissipation
Translations: DE

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