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picture format

The image format expresses itself in the aspect ratio and the image display. In general, a distinction is made between the aspect ratios of computers and personal computers, as well as television and cinema.

In the case of PC image formats, a standard aspect ratio of 4:3 (1.33:1) can be assumed for the ratio of image height to image width. In addition, the 16:10 format, which is optimized for the human field of vision, is becoming increasingly popular for monitors. There is also the 5:4 format and various formats for special monitors.

In television, there are two standard screen formats, the 4:3 and the widescreen 16:9 (1.78:1). Movies with other aspect ratios are displayed on these two screen formats.

Visible lines of television images at different screen formats

Visible lines of television images at different screen formats

Motion pictures are displayed in different aspect ratios: widescreen with aspect ratios of 1.85:1 (Europe) and 1.66:1 (USA), Panavision and Cinemascope as widescreen with 2.35:1, Academy format with 1.37:1 and Super 16 with 1.66:1.

PALplus transfer presented as letterboxed and in anamorphic widescreen.

PALplus transfer presented as letterboxed and in anamorphic widescreen.

Since theatrical films have a different aspect ratio from television, they must be adapted to the screen format. For this purpose there is the letterbox, the pan-and-scan and the anamorphical widescreen. With these adjustments, the display on the TV screen is either compressed or has black bars on the sides or at the top and bottom.

Englisch: picture format
Updated at: 10.04.2014
#Words: 214
Links: image, aspect, display, indium (In), television (TV)
Translations: DE

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