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Alibi routing is a protocol that allows users to prevent their data transmitted over the Internet from being routed through world regions where the data could be tapped and manipulated by third parties. It can also be used to prove whether the data packets were transmitted through prohibited world regions.

Proving whether data has been tapped and tampered with cannot ultimately be done using the Alibi protocol either, but it can at least be used to prove that the data has tangent to certain servers or firewalls that do not necessarily represent the direct transmission path, and this can be used to detect suspicious transmission paths.

Alibi routing is based on round-trip delay and uses this to determine whether the data packets took the direct route via a trusted regional node or a detour via a remote node in a forbidden region. For security, the trusted nodes must sign the data packets. The data for trusted regional nodes and untrusted nodes in forbidden regions is available online in the Global Administrative Areas (GADM) database.

Englisch: Alibi-Routing
Updated at: 14.10.2015
#Words: 172
Links: routing, protocol, data, Internet, third
Translations: DE

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