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share of voice (online ads) (SOV)

Share of Voice (SoV) is a marketing metric that is also used in online advertising. It refers to the percentage of market coverage that an online advertisement reaches in relation to the total market.

Assuming there are 40,000 software developers and an online medium reaches 10,000 of them, the share-of-voice metric is 25%, which is the ratio of the subset reached to the total number.

Similar examples can also be applied to online advertising, where the ratio of the ad impress ions booked for a medium in an advertising campaign to the total page impressions is put into relation. The figures relate to a specific period or to the duration of the entire campaign.

If, for example, the total number of all ad impressions in a campaign is 500,000 and the booked share is 100,000, then the share of voice is 20%. This means that 20% of all ad impressions are attributable to this advertising campaign.

Englisch: share of voice (online ads) - SOV
Updated at: 18.04.2012
#Words: 149
Links: metric, online advertising (Ad), coverage, relation, software (SW)
Translations: DE

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