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color scale

Color scales are color systems in which colors, color tones and color saturations are defined on the basis of printed color palettes. These color scales originate in printing technology for the purpose of quality determination. They are also used in paint and varnish technology.

Color scales in Corel Photo-Paint

Color scales in Corel Photo-Paint

There are several national and international color scales, also known as color names or color atlases. The best-known national color scale is the HKS color scale, and the best-known international one, which has found its way into many graphics programs, is Pantone. In addition, there are Trumatch and Focoltone, among others, which, like Pantone, are based on the CMYK color model.

Englisch: color scale
Updated at: 13.02.2005
#Words: 109
Links: color, also known as (aka), HKS color scale, graphics, Pantone
Translations: DE

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