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advanced communication riser (card) (ACR)

The Advanced Communication Riser(ACR) is an expansion bus for add-on cards for audio, network and Internet connections. The ACR riser was developed by several companies, including VIA and 3Com, and is compatible with the Audio Modem Riser( AMR).

However, not all of the ACR riser's 120 ports are occupied, so its functionality is certainly expandable. One important functionality offered by the ACR riser expansion cards is communication via xDSL.

With the ACR specifications, expansion cards for personal computers can be installed more cheaply. The focus of these expansion cards is on audio and communication cards, such as the sound cards and modem cards.

Englisch: advanced communication riser (card) - ACR
Updated at: 24.05.2011
#Words: 102
Links: allowed cell rate (ATM) (ACR), bus, add-on, audio, network
Translations: DE

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