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Elgamal algorithm

The Elgamal algorithm is used in the Diffie-Hellman method( DHA) for asymmetric encryption. It is characterized by high security and is calculated using discrete logarithms.

The Elgamal method, named after its inventor Taher Elgamal, is a public- key method in which the owner of the key pair selects a prime number and two random numbers that must be smaller than the prime number. The public key is calculated from these three numbers; the private key is one of the random numbers.

The procedure was described as early as 1985 and is also used for encrypting digitalsignatures.

Englisch: Elgamal algorithm
Updated at: 10.06.2011
#Words: 94
Links: algorithm, method, directory harvest attack (DHA), encryption (ENC), security
Translations: DE

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