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electronic mall (eMall)

An e-mall is a special form of e-commerce offering. On a central website or platform, the customer has access to a large number of different online brand presentations and corresponding purchasing options.

The e-mall provider bundles the relevant providers from the buyer's point of view on its website. There are two main forms of purchase and delivery processing:

1. some e-malls enable customers to buy and have delivered products from different suppliers in a single order process.

2. other e-malls act as an intermediary to the different suppliers and the customer must start a separate purchase process with each individual supplier. The e-mall earns through the intermediation in the form of a revenue share or flat fee.

Englisch: electronic mall - eMall
Updated at: 16.10.2012
#Words: 114
Links: platform, online (OL), provider, order, process
Translations: DE

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