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electronic commerce modelling language (E-Commerce) (ECML)

Electronic Commerce Modelling Language (ECML) is a web standard that serves online billing and greatly simplifies online shopping. Defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force( IETF) in RFC 2706, the ECML standard specifies some payment information that the buyer can transmit to the Web merchant with a mouse click, such as the shipping and billing address and credit card data.

ECML has various data fields that support fast information exchange between the buyer and the e-shop without the buyer having to fill in forms. All that is needed is to rename the HTML pages in the e-shop where orders are processed.

Well-known software companies such as IBM, SUN and Microsoft were involved in the development of ECML, as well as the credit card companies VISA, American Express and Mastercard.

Englisch: electronic commerce modelling language (E-Commerce) - ECML
Updated at: 22.04.2012
#Words: 128
Links: standard (STD), online billing, Internet, Internet engineering task force (IETF), response for a class (RFC)
Translations: DE

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