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view-through rate (VTR)

The click-through rate( CTR) determines the quantity of clicks. Since the quantity does not necessarily stand for the advertising success of a banner, the view-through rate(VTR) is also recorded for quality evaluation.

The View-Through Rate is used to record the number of times an advertising campaign is viewed and the number of advertising contacts realized. The view-through rate gives a subjective impression of the advertising medium and its appeal and of the advertising message.

View-through rates are much higher than click-through rates. They are expressed as a percentage and determined from the views per campaign. The advertising success is made available to the advertiser in the proofof performance.

Englisch: view-through rate - VTR
Updated at: 23.06.2017
#Words: 109
Links: click, counter mode (encryption) (CTR), evaluation, medium, message (MSG)
Translations: DE

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