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telecommunication management network (OSI) (TMN)

The Telecommunications Management Network(TMN) is a management architecture based on the OSI reference model. It is a completely separate logical network that exists alongside the telecommunications network and is intended to provide uniform network management.

The TMN control network was defined by the International Telecommunication Union( ITU-T) in the M.3000 series of recommendations and is used in telecommunications network operations management, digitalswitching, SDH networks, intelligent networks, and mobile communications. A Telecommunications Management Network is intended to support the management requirements related to planning, installation, operation, maintenance, and administration of Tk networks and Tk services.

TMN as a stand-alone network

Telecommunications Management Network (TMN)

Telecommunications Management Network (TMN)

A TMN network is conceptually its own network with various Q-interfaces to the network to be managed, from which it receives information, but also controls and manages it accordingly.

The essential functions of a TNM network are the OperationSystem Functions( OSF) with their management areas specified from OSI management: Performance Management, Fault Management, Configuration Management, Billing Management and Security Management. Other functions include the Network Element Functions( NEF), which provide important information from the Network Elements( NE) to the TNM. In addition, the Q-Adapter Function( QAF) as a standardized interface for company-specific Network Elements, the Mediation Function( MF), which provides protocol adaptation, and the Workstation Function( WSF), which is used to implement human-machine communication.

The ITU standards for TMN

The ITU-T has defined the functional areas of TMN networks and specified them in the M.3000 standard. Recommendation M.3010 defines and standardizes the basic concept of a reference model. Recommendation M.3020 describes a consistent methodology to define management requirements, services, functions and management protocols in TNM systems. Recommendation M.3100 describes TMN classes for the Managed Object( MO), and M.3180 provides a catalog of management information. Management functions and management services are described in Recommendations M.3200/3300/3400.

Functional model of FCAPS in TMN networks.

Functional model of FCAPS in TMN networks.

One aspect described in M.3010 deals with the layer concept. Here, the network management tasks are grouped into functional areas such as Fault, Configuration, Account, Performance, and Security Management( FCAPS). In addition, there is a logical architecture, Logical Layer Architecture (LLA), of five management layers consisting of the Network Element Layer ( NEL), Element Management Layer( EML), Network Management Layer ( NML), Service Management Layer( SML) and Business Management Layer ( BML).

Functional components of TMN are the Operation System Function (OSF), Mediation Function (MF), Workstation Function (WSF), Network Element Function (NEF), management information of Common Management Information Service Element ( CMISE), remote operation of Remote Operation Service Element( ROSE), Application Control Service Element ( ACSE), management application elements of System Management Application Service Element ( SMASE), Consultative, Objective, and Bi-functional Risk Analysis( COBRA), and the Signaling, Engineering and Administration System (SEAS).

Englisch: telecommunication management network (OSI) - TMN
Updated at: 09.11.2013
#Words: 441
Links: tunable matching network (wireless charging) (TMN), architecture, OSI reference model, network, network management (NM)
Translations: DE

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