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red green blue cyan yellow (RGBCY)

Color models are designed in such a way that the largest possible color space can be represented with as few colors as possible. These requirements are met by the RGB color model for emitting colors, but also by the CMY or CMYK color model for reflecting colors. With these and other color models, however, only a more or less limited color space can be represented.

RGBCY is about the extension of the RGB color space. In addition to the primary colorsred (R), green (G) and blue (B), this color model uses the secondary colors cyan (C) and yellow (Y). The two secondary colors significantly expand the color range visible to the human eye, enabling true color reproduction and the representation of hues that cannot be represented with other color models. The color space for human perception increases considerably and enables the representation of purple and emerald green.

Extended RGBCY color space

Extended RGBCY color space

RGBCY technology is applied in a Sharp monitor and implemented with image-processing electronics. It is referred to as Multi Primary Color Technology( MPC). With this technology, the color triangle of the RGB color model is extended to green-yellow as well as blue-green. The pixels, arranged in rows of pixels, consist of the five named colors RGBCY. In addition to the expanded color space, RGBCY displays have lower energy consumption because the backlight can be used more efficiently.

Englisch: red green blue cyan yellow - RGBCY
Updated at: 20.03.2013
#Words: 228
Links: color space, RGB color model, cyan, magenta, yellow (CMY), cyan, magenta, yellow, key (CMYK), extension (EXTN)
Translations: DE

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