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pay per impression (advertising) (PPI)

Inonline advertising, there are various billing models based on viewers, page impressions, hits or sales. Pay per impressions ( PPI) is one such model that uses viewers as the basis for calculation.

In the pay-per-impressions model, the view contacts, the page impressions, are recorded on the website and remunerated with the agreed fixed amount per view contact.

Pay-per-x models of web advertising

Pay-per-x models of web advertising

However, the recording excludes the website operator's own page views, as well as page impressions that fall below a minimum viewing duration and multiple views by identical visitors. This means that the domain name of the website operator is filtered out. The adjusted value of the page impressions then serves as the basis for the payment and is multiplied by the fixed amount per view contact.

Pay-per-impression models can be budget-oriented, i.e. the advertiser can set a fixed amount and once this is reached, the online advertising is no longer placed.

Englisch: pay per impression (advertising) - PPI
Updated at: 10.11.2013
#Words: 152
Links: billing, parallel physical interface (100GbE) (PPI), indium (In), operator, domain
Translations: DE

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