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kibi (Ki)

The prefix kibi( Ki) is a prefix standardized by the International Electrotechnical Commission( IEC 60027-2), based on the exponentiation of the dual system. The kilobinary, kibi, corresponds to a value of `2^10`, i.e. 1,024.

Prefixes for the dual system according to the

Prefixes for the dual system according to the "International System of Units (SI)".

Data rates based on the dual system should be specified in kibibits (kib) per second, if the standard is used. There is a difference of 2.4% between a kibibyte based on the dual system, which corresponds to 1.024 kilobytes, and a kilobyte based on the decimal system.

Englisch: kibi - Ki
Updated at: 22.01.2022
#Words: 91
Links: prefix, subscriber authentication key (Ki), international electrotechnical commission (IEC), system, second (s)
Translations: DE

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