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interspersing express traffic (802.3br) (IET)

The IEEE working group802.3br deals with the interspersing of express frames between the normal Ethernet frames, the Interspersing Express Traffic (IET), formerly Distinguished Minimum Latency Traffic( DMLT).

The goal of these IET activities is to reduce the latency within a node to the point where it is close to the time for a minimum Ethernet frame with a length of 64 bytes plus the time for the Inter Packet Gap( IPG). Longer frames are interrupted for the interspersing of the IET frames.

The IET function must be supported by both communication participants. Devices that do not support the IET frames must not identify the IET frames as Ethernet frames. The IET method is used, among other things, to reduce latency in time-triggered Ethernet. It can be used for real-time applications with deterministic access and lowest latency.

Englisch: interspersing express traffic (802.3br) - IET
Updated at: 05.02.2016
#Words: 136
Links: institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE), Ethernet, distributed multi link trunk (DMLT), latency, node
Translations: DE

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