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gigabyte (GB)

Gigabyte (GB) is the commonly used size specification for the storage capacity of, for example, a hard disk, a DVD or a tape drive. Giga is a prefix based on the decimal system: `10^9`, or 1 billion.

Byte specifications with prefix: KB, MB, GB, TB and their application

Byte specifications with prefix: KB, MB, GB, TB and their application

Since the byte refers to the exponentiation of the dual system, one billion bytes correctly corresponds to a storage capacity of `2^30` bytes. This size is called gibibyte (GiB) in the NISTsystem of units because the absolute value is 1,073,741,824 bytes or 1,099,511,727,776 bytes or 1,048,576kilobytes( KB), which is different from the absolute value of the gigabyte (GB), namely 1,000,000,000 bytes.

Englisch: gigabyte - GB
Updated at: 22.01.2022
#Words: 103
Links: capacity (C), hard disk (HD), digital versatile disc (DVD), drive, prefix
Translations: DE

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