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conversion rate (ADC)

Conversion Rate stands for conversion rate. The English term is used for the conversion rate of A/D converters, but also in web technology.

The conversion rate is an important characteristic value of A/D and D/A converters. It is the number of conversions per second.

The conversion time includes all delay times from the electronic circuits. It depends on the conversion principle. For example, the SAR method with successive approximation is much slower than a parallel converter or a CMOS sensor or CCD sensor for video conversion due to the multiple repetition. In addition, the conversion time depends on the digitization depth.

There are high-speed converters that can perform 100 million or more conversions in one second.

Englisch: conversion rate (ADC)
Updated at: 01.01.2013
#Words: 117
Links: conversion rate (CVR), second (s), delay (DEL), successive approximation register (SAR), method
Translations: DE

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