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business owner (BO)

Business Owners (BO) are business owners who are responsible for technical and business success. They are responsible for the leadership, compliance, and return on investment( ROI) for the solution developed by a working group, an Agile Release Train( ART).

Business owners have the necessary business and market knowledge to support the mission and vision for product development. In terms of accountability, Business Owners are accountable to the Stakeholders, which are the stakeholders, on the other hand, the Product Owners( PO), who receive their information from the Scrum Master, are accountable to the or the Business Owner.

Customers can have a direct influence on product development via the business owner.

Englisch: business owner - BO
Updated at: 17.01.2020
#Words: 109
Links: compliance, return on investment (ROI), region of interest (graphics) (ROI), working group (WG), agile release train (ART)
Translations: DE

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