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bad neighborhood

Bad Neighborhood means bad neighborhood in German. The term occurs in the terminology of search engines. Websites characterized with Bad Neighborhood have a low ranking, they may have disregarded the search engine usage guidelines and are punished by search engine operators.

Such punishment may happen by reducing the PageRank of the websites, setting it to zero or even delisting the corresponding website from the search engine index.

Bad Neighborhood websites can negatively affect the reputation of a website because, for example, drugs or sex are offered on them. They usually have a high ratio between the number of links and the amount of content. The content is often poor and the number of online advertisements is disproportionately high. Outbound links to other websites negatively affect the position of the websites in the results pages.

Since websites sometimes use link lists and link to websites without informing the operator, it is advisable to regularly check the links with regard to websites with Bad Neighborhood properties. Bad Neighborhood links can be detected and sorted out via blacklists and tools that display links.

Englisch: bad neighborhood
Updated at: 02.10.2017
#Words: 180
Links: ranking, search engine (SE), delisting, index, content
Translations: DE

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