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In general, an acronym is an abbreviation formed from the first letters of several words. Corresponding acronyms occur in abundance in information technology.

Some examples of many thousands of technical acronyms are: ATM stands forAsynchronous Transfer Mode or BAP, which stands for Bandwidth Allocation Protocol.

Examples of phrases used on the Internet in the form of acronyms

Examples of phrases used on the Internet in the form of acronyms

Acronyms are also used on the Internet, but they are used to describe idioms. They are a special form of abbreviations formed from the first letters of several words, often supplemented with digits, slurs, phonetic features or final letters. Such acronyms represent a shortened and slurred form of speech, because an abbreviation. Here are some examples of acronyms used on the Internet, in forums or in e-mails:

ASAP: As Soon As Possible, which stands for "as soon as possible."

B4 is an example of an acronym that consists of an initial letter and a number. B4 means "Before", which means "before" or "before".

An example of an acronym for adding a phonetic sound, a digit, and an ending letter is CUL8R: See You LateR, which stands for "until later".

Englisch: acronym
Updated at: 03.01.2010
#Words: 187
Links: indium (In), information technology (IT), Internet, speech, arsenic (As)
Translations: DE

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