Fachwörter Englisch für SN

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snapchat Snapchat
snapshot Momentaufnahme
sneakernet Sneakernet
sniffer Schnüffler
snooping Snooping
snoopware Snoopware
snowflake schema Snowflake-Schema
snubber Snubberglied
social analytics Social Analytics
social bookmark Social Bookmark
social bot Social Bots
social business Social Business
social commerce S-Commerce
social computing Social-Computing
social engineering Social-Engineering
social game Social-Game
social graph Social-Graph
social infrastructure Soziale Infrastruktur
social media Social-Media
social media analytics Social-Media-Analytik
social media marketing Social-Media-Marketing
social network Soziales Netzwerk
social shopping Social-Shopping
social software Soziale Software
social TV Social-TV
social, mobile, analytics and cloud SMAC-Konzept
socket Sockel
socket Socket
socket Kupplung
soft good Soft Good
soft switch Softswitch
software Software
software architecture Software-Architektur
software as a service (cloud computing) Software-as-a-Service
software cache Software-Cache
software defined perimeter Software-definierter Perimeter
software defined radio SDR-Radio
software defined storage SD-Speicher
software development kit Entwicklungsumgebung
software engineering Softwaretechnik
software in the loop Software-in-the-Loop
software infrastructure as a service (cloud computer) Software Infrastructure-as-a-Service
software interface Softwareschnittstelle
software metric Software-Metrik
software motion picture (DEC) SMP-Kompression
software piracy Softwarepiraterie
software scanner Softwarescanner
software test Softwaretest
software wizard Software-Wizard
SoHo router SoHo-Router
solar cell Solarzelle
solar constant Solarkonstante
solar panel Solarmodul
solar technology Solartechnik
solar time Astronomische Zeit
solder Lötzinn
solder stop mask Lötstoppmaske
soldered connection Lötverbindung
soldering fault Lötfehler
solid oxide fuel cell Festoxid-Brennstoffzelle
solid state array Solid-State-Array
solid state battery Festkörperbatterie
solid state drive Solid-State-Drive
solid state floppy disk card SSFDC-Karte
solid state hybrid drive Hybrid-Festplatte
solid state relais Halbleiterrelais
soliton waves Soliton
solution provider Solution-Provider
sone Sone
Sony/Philips digital interface SPDIF-Schnittstelle
Sorenson codec Sorenson-Codec
sorting algorithm Sortieralgorithmus
sound Schall
sound Klang
sound Ton
sound (file format) SND-Dateiformat
sound card Soundkarte
sound density Schalldichte
sound description interchange format (acoustics) SDIF-Format
sound energy Schallenergie
sound field Schallfeld
sound intensity Schallintensität
sound level meter Schallpegelmessgerät
sound library Klang-Library
sound particle velocity Schallschnelle
sound pressure level Schalldruck
sound quality Klangqualität
sound source Schallquelle
sound synthesis Klangsynthese
sound system Soundsystem
sound velocity Schallgeschwindigkeit
sound wave Schallwelle
source address (MAC) Quelladresse
source address field Quelladressfeld
source code Quelltext
source encoding Quellencodierung
source input format (file format) SIF-Darstellformat
source port field (TCP) Source-Port-Feld
source routing Source-Routing
southbridge Southbridge