Fachwörter Deutsch für RF

Link Deutsch Englisch
RFID-Frequenz RFID frequency
RFID-Karte RFID card
RFID-Lesegerät RFID reader
RFID-Übertragung RFID transmission
RG-11-Kabel RG-11 cable
RG-174-Kabel RG-174 cable
RG-178-Kabel RG 178 cable
RG-179-Kabel RG-179 cable
RG-188-Kabel RG-188 cable
RG-213-Kabel RG-213 cable
RG-214-Kabel RG-214 cable
RG-223-Kabel RG-223 cable
RG-316-Kabel RG-316 cable
RG-5-Kabel RG-5 cable
RG-58-Kabel RG-58 cable
RG-59-Kabel RG-59 cable
RG-6-Kabel RG-6 cable
RG-62-Kabel RG-62 cable
RGB-Farbmodell RGB color model
RGBE-Dateiformat red green blue exponent (HDRI)
RGBW-Display red, green, blue, white
RGBY-Display red, green, blue, yellow
Rheostat rheostat
Ribbon-Fiber ribbon fiber
Ribbon-Kabel ribbon cable
Rich Ajax Plattform rich Ajax platform
Rich Media rich media
Rich-Client rich client
Rich-Client-Plattform rich client platform (Eclipse)
Rich-Media-Banner rich media banner
Rich-Media-Conferencing rich media conferencing
Richtantenne directional antenna
Richtcharakteristik polar pattern
Richtfaktor directivity
Richtfunk radio relay system
Richtkoppler directional coupler
Richtlinie policy
Richtmikrofon directional microphone
Richtungsbetrieb directional mode
RIFF-Dateiformat resource interchange file format
Rightsizing rightsizing
Rijndael Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen
Rille groove
RIMM-Modul Rambus inline memory module
Ringkontrolle ring control (RPR)
Ringleitungsverteiler ring concentrator (TR)
Ringmodulator ring modulator
Ringoszillator ring oscillator
Ringtopologie ring topology
RIP-Protokoll routing information protocol
RIP-Prozessor raster image processor
RISC-Architektur reduced instruction set computer
Risiko risk
Risikoanalyse risk analysis
Risikomanagement risk management
Risikomanagement und -controlling risk management and controlling
Risikoprofil risk profile