Fachwörter Deutsch für PB

Link Deutsch Englisch
P-Band P band
P-Protokoll P protocols
P-Router provider router
P/F-Bit poll/final bit (HDLC)
P/Y-Code precision encrypted code (GPS)
P2030 IEEE P2030
PA-Anlage public address (acoustic)
Package package
Package-Abkürzungen package abbreviations
Packaging packaging
Packet-Radio packet radio
Packet-Writing packet writing
PacketCable PacketCable
PACS-Netz personal access communications system (mobile communications)
PACS-System picture archiving and communication system (medical)
Pad pad
PAD-Zeichen PAD characters
Padding padding length
Page-Authority page authority
Page-Impression page view
Pagejacking pagejacking
PageRank page rank
PageRank Drain pagerank drain
Paging paging
Pairing pairing
Paketfehlerrate frame error rate (mobile comm., WLAN)
Paketfilter packet filter
Paketierer/Depaketierer packet assembler/disassembler
Paketsteuerungseinheit packet control unit (GPRS)
Paketverlust packet loss
Paketverlustrate packet loss rate
PAL-Fernsehstandard phase alternation line (TV)
PAL-Logik programmable array logic (Chip)
PALC-Display plasma addressed liquid crystal (display)
Palladium palladium
Palm-Betriebssystem Palm operating system
Palmtop palmtop
PAM5-Verfahren PAM5 method
PAM5x5-Verfahren PAM5x5 method
PAN-Koordinator PAN coordinator
Pan-und-Scan pan and scan
Panda-Wegener-Verfahren Panda-Wegener
Panel-Antenne panel antenna
PAP-Protokoll password authentication protocol (PPP)
Papierbatterie paper battery
PAR4 Power Assure rating
Parabolantenne parabolic antenna
Parallaxenfehler parallax error
Parallel-Schnittstelle parallel interface
Parallel-Übertragung parallel transmission
Parallele Kamera-Schnittstelle camera parallel interface (CSI)
Paralleler Ein-/Ausgang parallel input/output (electronic unit)
Parallelität parallelity
Parallelrechner parallel computer
Parallelumsetzer parallel converter
Parameter parameter
Parametric-Auction parametric auction
Parametrischer optischer Verstärker optical parametric amplifier
Parametrischer Verstärker parametric amplifier
Paravirtualisierung para virtualization
Paritätsbit parity bit
Paritätsprüfung parity check
Parser parser
Part-of-Speech part of speech
Partialschwingung partial oscillation
Partition partition
Pascal Pascal
Passiv-Infrarot-Bewegungsmelder passive infrared
Passivbox passive loudspeaker box
Passiver Tag passive tag
Passives optisches Breitbandnetzwerk broadband passive optical network
Passives optisches Netz passive optical network
Passivmatrix passive matrix
Passphrase pass phrase
Passpoint passpoint
Passwort password
Passwort-Cracking password cracking
Passwortverfahren password method
Patchantenne patch antenna
Patchkabel patch cable
Patchpanel patch panel
Path-Vector-Protokoll path vector protocol
Patientenfernüberwachung remote patient monitoring (telehealth)
Pay-per-Action pay per action (advertising)
Pay-per-Channel pay per channel
Pay-per-Click pay per click (advertising)
Pay-per-Use pay per use
Pay-per-View pay per view
Pay-Radio pay radio
Paybox paybox
Payload-Länge (IP) payload length (IP)
Payment-Gateway payment gateway
PayPal PayPal
Paypass paypass
Paywall paywall
Paywave paywave
PBM-Dateiformat portable bit map
PC-Bus PC bus
PC-Card PC card
PC-Card-Bus PC card bus
PC-Card-Phone PC card phone
PC-Host-Kopplung PC host connectivity
PC-MIP-Modul PCI, M-module, IP-module
PC-Netz PC network
PC/104-Modul PC/104 module
PC/SC-Schnittstelle personal computer smartcard
PC2-3200 PC3200
PC2-4200 PC4200
PC2-5300 PC5300
PC2-6400 PC6400
PC8-Code PC8 code
PCF-Faser plastic clad fiber (fiber optics)
PCI-Bus peripheral component interconnect
PCI-DSS-Standard payment card industry data security standard
PCI-Express PCI express
PCI-X-Bus PCI extended
PCM-Technik PCM technology
PCMCIA-Vereinigung personal computer memory card international association
PCS-Faser polymer clad silica (fiber optics)
PCT-Touchscreen projected capacitive touch (multi touch)
PDCA-Zyklus plan, do, check, adjust
PDCP-Protokoll packet data convergence protocol (UMTS)
PDD-Disc professional disc for data
PDF-Dateiformat portable document format (file format)
PDF417 PDF417 bar code
PDFA-Verstärker praseodymium doped fiber amplifier (OA)
PDH-Hierarchie plesiochronous digital hierarchy (WAN)
PDIP-Package plastic dual inline package (package)
PDP-Protokoll packet data protocol (GPRS)