Fachwörter Deutsch für ES

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E-2000-Stecker E-2000 connector
E-Auction electronic auction
E-Band E band
E-Billing electronic billing
E-Book electronic book
E-Book-Reader ebook reader
E-Brand electronic brand
E-Business electronic business
E-Card electronic card
E-Cash electronic cash
E-Catalog electronic catalog
E-Collaboration electronic collaboration
E-Commerce electronic commerce
E-Commerce-Architektur e-commerce architecture
E-Commerce-Server-Suite e-commerce server suite
E-Contracting electronic contracting
E-Customer Care electronic customer care
E-Customizing electronic customizing
E-Discover electronic discover
E-Distribution electronic distribution
e-Funktion e function
E-Geld e-money
E-Government electronic government
E-Health electronic health
E-Kanal e channel
E-Learning electronic learning
E-Library electronic library
E-Logistik electronic logistics
E-Mail-Account E-mail account
E-Mail-Adresse e-mail address
E-Mail-Archivierung e-mail archiving
E-Mail-Client e-mail client
E-Mail-Kommunikation e-mail communication
E-Mail-Marketing e-mail marketing
E-Mail-Newsletter e-mail newsletter
E-Mail-Responder e-mail responder
E-Mail-Routing e-mail routing
E-Mail-Sicherheit e-mail security
E-Mail-to-Speech e-mail to speech
E-Mall electronic mall
E-Management electronic management
E-Modell E-model
ES-IS-Protokoll end system to intermediate system protocol
ESCON-Stecker ESCON connector
ESDI-Schnittstelle enhanced small device interface
eSIM-Karte embedded SIM
ESM-Modul embedded system module
ESP-Header encapsulating security payload (IPsec)
Etagenverkabelung horizontal wiring
Etagenverteiler floor distributor (wiring)
EtherCAT-Protokoll EtherCAT protocol
EtherCAT-Topologie EtherCAT topology
EtherLoop EtherLoop
Ethernet Ethernet
Ethernet-Allianz Ethernet alliance
Ethernet-Architektur Ethernet architecture
Ethernet-Ausdehnung Ethernet length restrictions
Ethernet-Bitübertragungsschicht Ethernet physical layer
Ethernet-Frame Ethernet frame
Ethernet-OAM Ethernet operation, administration, and maintenance (CE)
Ethernet-Performance Ethernet performance
Ethernet-Schichtenmodell Ethernet layer model
Ethernet-Schnittstelle Ethernet interface
Ethernet-Switch Ethernet switch
Ethernet-Übertragungsmedien Ethernet transmitting media
EtherSound EtherSound
ETX-Modul embedded technology extended (computer-on-module)
ETXplus-Modul ETXplus modul
eUICC-Karte embedded universal integrated circuit card
Euroblock euroblock
EuroFile Transfer EuroFile transfer
Euromessage European messaging
Euronet Euronet
Europäische Artikelnummer European article number (bar code)
Europäische Installationsbus Association European installation bus association
Europäische Komitee für Normung Comité Europeen de Normalisation
Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte european health insurance card
Europäische Norm European Normative
Europäische Rundfunkunion European broadcasting union
Europäischer Installationsbus European installation bus
Europäischer Normvorschlag European Pre-Standard
Europäisches Institut für Telekommunikationsnormen European telecommunications standards institute
Europäisches Komitee für elektrotechnische Normung Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europakarte eurocard
EuropaNET EuropaNET
Eurosignal Eurosignal
Euroskala euro scale
EUV-Lithografie extreme ultraviolet lithography