Fachwörter Deutsch für CB

Link Deutsch Englisch
C-Band C band
C-Bewertung decibel filter (C)
C-Business collaborative business
C-Commerce collaborative commerce
C-Koeffizient C coefficient (battery)
C-Netz C network
C-Sharp C sharp
C-Stecker C connector
C/A-Code coarse/acquisition (GPS)
C/R-Bit command/response
C&C-Server command and control (security)
C2 C2 level security
C5-Signalisierung C5 signalling
C7-Signalisierung C7 signalling
CA-Modul conditional access module (digital TV)
CA-Technik computer aided
Cable-Sharing cable sharing
Cache cache
Cache-Poisoning cache poisoning
Caching caching
Caddy caddy
Cadmium cadmium
Cadmiumsulfid cadmium sulfide
Cadmiumtellurid cadmium telluride (photovoltaics)
Call-Agent call agent
Call-by-Call call by call
Call-Paket call packet
Call-Through call through
Call-to-Action call to action (TV advertising)
Callback callback
Callcenter call center
Callingcard calling card
Callserver call server (NGN)
CAM-Nachricht cooperative awareness message (C2C)
Cambridge Ring Cambridge Ring
Campaign Site campaign site
Campus-Netzwerk campus area network
CAN-Bus controller area network
CAN-Datenrahmen CAN frame
CAN-FD-Protokoll controller area network flexible data
CAN-Profile CAN profile
CAN-Protokoll CAN protocol
Candela candela
Canopy canopy
CAP-Codierung carrierless amplitude-phase modulation
Capacity-on-Demand capacity on demand
CAPI V2.0-Schnittstelle CAPI V2.0 interface
CAPI-Schnittstelle common application programming interface (ISDN)
Car-to-Car-Communication car to car communication
Car-to-Car-Konsortium car to car consortium
Car-to-Infrastructure car to infrastructure
Car-to-X car to x
Care-of-Adresse care of address (mobile IP)
CARP-Protokoll cache array routing protocol
Carrier Extension carrier extension
Carrier-Ethernet carrier Ethernet
Carrier-Ethernet 2.0 carrier Ethernet 2.0
Carrier-Grade carrier grade
Carrier-Grade Router carrier grade router
CarRing CarRing
Cart Conversion Rate cart conversion rate
CAS-Latenz columm access strobe (memory)