Abkürzungverzeichnis für SN

Link Artikel
SN subscriber number (en)
SN service node (IN) (en)
SN sequence number (ATM) (en)
SN subnet (en)
SNA systems network architecture (IBM) (en)
SNADS SNA distributed service (SNA) (en)
SNAP subnetwork attachment point (en)
SNAP subnetwork access protocol (IP) (en)
SNAT static network address translation (en)
SNAT source NAT (en)
SNC subnetwork connection (ATM) (en)
SND sound (file format) (en)
SNDCP subnetwork dependent convergence protocol (OSI, GPRS) (en)
SNEP simple NFC exchange protocol (en)
SNG satellite news gathering (en)
SNI service node interface (MAN) (en)
SNIA storage networking industry association (SAN) (en)
SNICP subnetwork independent convergence protocol (OSI) (en)
SNM subnetmask (en)
SNMP simple network management protocol (en)
SNMPv2 simple network management protocol v2 (en)
SNMPv3 simple network management protocol v3 (en)
SNP social networking policy (en)
SNPA subnetwork point of attachment (en)
SNR signal to noise ratio (en)
SNT Schaltnetzteil (de)
SNT Schaltnetzteil (de)
SNTP simple network time protocol (Internet) (en)
SO small outline (package) (en)
SO shift out (control character) (en)
SOA start of authority (en)
SOA safe operating area (en)
SOA service oriented architecture (en)
SOA semiconductor optical amplifier (en)
SOAP simple object access protocol (Internet) (en)
SOBA service oriented business application (SOA) (en)
SoC system on chip (en)
SoC state of charge (accu) (en)
SOC service oriented computing (en)
SOC security operation center (en)
SOCKS socket secure server (en)
SoD service on demand (en)
SODIMM small outline dual-inline memory module (Chip) (en)
SOE service-oriented enterprise (en)
SOF start of frame (FC) (en)
SOFC solid oxide fuel cell (en)
SOFDMA scalable orthogonal frequency division multiple access (en)
SOH section overhead (SDH) (en)
SoH state of health (accu) (en)
SOH start of heading (control character) (en)
SoHo small office, home office (en)
SoI silicon on insulator (IC) (en)
SOIC small outline integrated circuit (chip design) (en)
SoIP storage over IP (SAN) (en)
SoIx service-oriented interconnection (NGN) (en)
SOJ J-leaded small-outline package (chip design) (en)
SOL serial over LAN (en)
SoL safety of life (Galileo) (en)
SOLED stacked OLED (en)
SoM system on module (en)
SoM server on module (en)
SOME/IP scalable service-oriented middleware over IP (en)
SON self organized network (en)
SONET synchronous optical network (en)
SOP subject oriented programming (en)
SOP same origin policy (security) (en)
SOP small outline package (chip design) (en)
SOR system of record (ISRS) (en)
SOT small outline transistor (transistor package) (en)
SOV share of voice (online ads) (en)