Abkürzungverzeichnis für NF

Link Artikel
NF noise figure (en)
NFAS non facility associated signalling (en)
NFB negative feedback (en)
NFC near field communication (en)
NFCIP near field communication interface and protocol (PICC) (en)
NFM narrow frequency modulation (en)
NFR nonfunctional requirement (en)
NFS network file system (en)
NFT non-fungible token (crypto money) (en)
NFU not frequently used (en)
NFV network functions virtualization (en)
NG-GPON next generation GPON (en)
NG-PON next generation PON (en)
NG-SDH next generation SDH (en)
NGBASE-T next generation Base-T (en)
NGC next generation core (5G) (en)
NGeCall next generation eCall (eCall) (en)
NGFW next generation firewall (en)
NGI next generation Internet (en)
NGMN next generation mobile network (en)
NGN next generation network (en)
NGN-SGI NGN global standardization initiative (ITU) (en)
NGOSS new generation operations systems and software (en)
NGSCB next generation secure computing base (en)
NGSFF next generation small form factor (en)
NGSO non geostationary satellite orbit (satellite comm.) (en)
NGTP next generation telematics protocol (en)
NHRP next hop resolution protocol (en)
NHS next hop server (en)
NHTSA national highway safety administration (en)
Ni nickel (en)
NI network intelligence (en)
NI network indicator (SS7, Q:704) (en)
NI network interface (en)
NIA network interface adapter (en)
NIAS NetWare Internet access server (en)
NIC network interface controller (en)
NIC network information center (IP) (en)
NICAM near instantaneous companded audio multiplex (en)
NiCd nickel cadmium (en)
NID network interface device (MEF) (en)
NIDS network intrusion detection system (en)
NIF neighbour information frame (FDDI) (en)
NIFF notation interchange file format (music) (en)
NIL network interface layer (en)
NILM non-intrusive appliance load monitoring (en)
NiMH nickel metal hydrid (en)
NIP network integrated processing (en)
NIPS network intrusion protection system (en)
NIR near infrared (en)
NIR non-ionizing radiation (en)
NIS network information service (en)
NIS Nichtionisierende Strahlung (Elektrosmog) (de)
NIS Nichtionisierende Strahlung (Elektrosmog) (de)
NIST national institute of standards and technology (en)
NIT network information table (Satellit) (en)
NITF new industry text format (en)
NiZn nickel zinc accu (en)